We create intelligent solutions that successfully stimulate interaction by delivering on six fundamental SHAPES principles

CooperVision exhibition stand by SHAPES


We are social creatures, and almost all of us desire the company of others on a regular basis. It’s this socialisation that motivates us to visit events, and it’s the social interactions between each other that influence our experience of it. As we are on the brink of losing more and more live interactions, more and more brands are entering the market to meet this demand to try and win the hearts of consumers. We ensure that every design delivers a satisfying, face-to-face branded experience, increases user engagement, cultivates positive attitudes and ultimately results in a more memorable experience for your customers. We always consider the social context of your event and how best to stimulate live, back-and-forth interaction between you and your customers.

CooperVision exhibition stand by SHAPES


Our holistic approach to your project ensures that we develop design solutions that will align perfectly with your customer touch points so that the consumers’ experience of your brand is seamless and consistent across all channels. We consider both the intrinsic motivations (enjoyment and immersion in an activity) and the extrinsic motivations (contingent rewards) of your customers who may participate in your events, and whether financial rewards, attracting attention, or a sense of personal satisfaction motivates them. We work with you to understand your audience and their key motivational drivers for participation, ensuring our event design solutions are the ideal launch point for starting discussions and the perfect platform to stimulate participation.

Panasonic exhibition stand by SHAPES


We incorporate affective emotional appeals to leverage your audience’s emotions at events, increase engagement, convert leads and drive sales. Branded environments that provide aesthetic appeal, pleasure and satisfaction can significantly influence the success of your event by building an emotional connection with your audience. These affective emotional appeals are one of the best ways for your business to stand out and help your customers navigate a noisy world. Consumers are not only demanding more engaging and valuable experience from brands but also expect you to spark the right emotions, with the right connection, at the right time. Well-designed environments evoke positive attitudes that encourage customers to stay, explore, affiliate and interact.

CooperVision exhibition stand by SHAPES


We not only encourage incorporation of personalisation within all your event marketing activity but, as do the majority of marketers, we fully appreciate the benefits of personalisation. The benefits of exhibitions and events, as opposed to online, is the ability to get up close and personal with your customers, and brands that deliver a personalised experience for their clients in a relevant and helpful way have the opportunity to transform people from passive consumers into active participants. Today consumers are engaging with brands that tailor their offers to their preference and deliver unique personalised experiences. With customer expectations continuing to rise adding a personal touch across all of your brand touchpoints improves the quality of the customer's experience

Panasonic roadshow by SHAPES


We cannot overemphasize the importance of experiential events, particularly when the world is shifting to an ‘experience economy.' People are now using these experiences at events to define them, rather than their possessions. Creating unique, face-to-face engaging branded experiences that appeal to all of the senses through engaging storytelling can increase profits, brand exposure, reputation, perception and customer loyalty. We not only design experiential events, but we also employ experiential values and incorporate experiential elements in our environments, acknowledging that every designed environment has a significant impact on a customer's experience formation, brand loyalty, active referral and increased profitability for the brand.


We work on the basis that is the little things that can matter the most - sweating the small details for the experience and making sure we understand your audience's needs, wants and likes. We push your brand forward into places where it matters and is seen by the consumers who want what you have to sell. Successful design is where usability factors, technology, and looks meet in perfect harmony. With today's consumer more discerning and more responsive than ever, an engaging exhibition or event, which helps your audience interact better with your brand at times when they're likely to convert enthusiasm into sales, can cause a surge in profit and brand visibility that will recoup the cost of design in weeks. How much is that worth to your business?